Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I enable microphone, camera and screen sharing?
When you enter the event you will have to grant permissions for the browser to access your microphone and camera. You will then be able to confirm the status of your resources and enter the assembly.
How do I participate in the assembly?
During the discussion you can request to speak by clicking the “Request to speak” button in the right “Assembly” section. You will be placed in the queue according to the order of requests. When you are given the floor you will have a predefined time for your speech, but you can request a time extension or end your speech. All members may request a reply to a speaker’s intervention. Finally, the members of the assembly may formulate Proposals to be discussed and voted upon.
How do the Proposals work?
In the Proposals section on the left you can create proposals by clicking on the “+” symbol. All proposals have a title and a description. They can be commented, amended, prioritized, debated and voted by the assembly to define if they will become Resolutions. When an amendment passes the approval of the proposal to which it applies, it becomes the proposal.
How do Voting work?

There are different types of voting in Ecclesia:

  1. Priority Voting: The order in which proposals will be discussed and voted on during the Debate stage is defined.
  2. Voting of Proposals: It is established which proposals pass the Approval Threshold to become the Resolutions of the event.
  3. Amendment Voting: Allows to establish which amendments are more successful than their corresponding proposals to modify their content.
  4. Voting on Interventions: The Assembly may vote for or against the interventions made by a speaker.
How do Resolutions work?
Proposals that pass the approval threshold defined by the creators of the event will become Resolutions, i.e. the agreements reached by the members of the Assembly. These Resolutions will be recorded in the Final Act and will contain a summary and a tally of their vote.
What reports can be obtained from Ecclesia?

Depending on the type of subscription you need, you will be able to access the following types of reports:

  1. Punctuality: The discussion of ideas requires a clear context and for this it is key not to miss important information. Thus, Punctuality in Events is fundamental. This metadata will be obtained from the arrival and departure times of users to the discussions registered in Ecclesia.
  2. Respect: For Ecclesia it is very important that the events are developed in a way that all users feel heard and respected. In this sense, the faults identified by the Moderator and members of the Assembly, such as malicious interruptions, abandonment, inappropriate language or content, racism, violence and all those set out in our Ecclesia Behavior Policies or that users consider may be reported through the application. To do so, users may enter the Options of the user in question (corresponding symbol) and there, select the Report option.
  3. Creativity: Ecclesia has been designed as an application for the discussion of ideas and the consolidation of agreements; therefore, for us it is very important that users propose their own ideas so that they can be discussed and the participation of all is achieved in a truly democratic way. In this sense, Ecclesia allows the creation of Proposals to be discussed among all participants and to reach truly democratic agreements. From the number of proposals created, we seek to measure the amount of user creations.
  4. Effectiveness: We know that in a discussion it is not only the quantity of ideas that are discussed that matters, but also the quality and relevance that allows us to reach agreements. In this sense, we also want to measure the Effectiveness of the proposals made by the participants of an Event, even if these are modified together with all the participants, from the number of successful (approved) proposals in this meeting and in general, contrasted with the average.
  5. Participation: In discussion scenarios it is necessary that participants contribute with their opinions to the consolidation of agreements. Therefore, we believe it is necessary to measure the number of interventions made by Assembly Members, Priority Votes and Proposal Votes in this meeting and in general, contrasted with the average.
  6. Assertiveness: Assertive communication is a very important term in virtual contexts, as time must be used effectively and the transmission of ideas and consolidation of agreements must be timely. The Assertiveness score will be based on the number of times that time extension is requested, number of times that more than one reply is requested, relevance of the intervention, among others considered by the moderator, in this meeting and in general, contrasted with the average.

However, if you require other types of analysis you can request them in our section “Request a quotation”.

How to request more information or get in touch?

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